Hamilton Adam Epp Hamilton Adam Epp

Adam Van Sickle

Service Access and Transitions Leader

My role is to help with a smooth transition with moving in and out of CONNECT. I work with the team to ensure we have all the information and items that are needed before an individual moved in. I can also have a discussion on how we can help support them after they move out of CONNECT. I wear a few other important hats, like sharing with the community what CONNECT is all about at conferences and other events, and I also support our leaders here too. My favourite part of each day is heading from the people we support about their gains made.

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Hamilton Adam Epp Hamilton Adam Epp

Heather Busily

Physical Coach (Physiotherapist)

I work with the people we support, their families and the other coaches to support individuals in their physical mobility. This can be anything from getting out of bed and around the house, to recreational physical activities like rising a bike! I love supporting people to find ways to engage in parts of their lives that are meaningful and bring joy to the day to day!

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Hamilton Adam Epp Hamilton Adam Epp

Gillian Williamson

Health and Wellness Coach (RN)

I am part of a team of two nurses and we work together to assist the people we support in reaching their health and wellness goals. I work with the people we support, their families and my colleagues to develop support strategies for individuals to get the best out of CONNECT and what we have to offer. I monitor medication management, infection prevention and control general health concerns and continuous learning towards safe care. I also support coordinating care with doctors, specialists and pharmacists to ensure that all medical needs are met.

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Hamilton Adam Epp Hamilton Adam Epp

Primrose Bonomale

Site Leader

I am a Social Workers by background. My role is to ensure the CONNECT team has what it needs to support the individuals living here and their families as they redesign their lives after a brain injury or stroke. At the core of what we do is CONNECT’s culture, service philosophy, vision and values.

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Hamilton Adam Epp Hamilton Adam Epp

Ryan Wheeler

Play Coach (Recreation Therapist)

My role focuses on supporting people to find joy in their lives through participation in their recreation and leisure interests. This could be an activity they participated in previously, are currently enjoying, or are interested in exploring. Everyone is looking for something a little bit different when they come to CONNECT. This may include wanting to volunteer, going for a walk in the conservation area, or planning a special event. By meeting people where they are at, and “doing with, not for”, we are able to support each person to participate in activities/hobbies that are meaningful and purposeful to them, while building valuable life skills.

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Hamilton Adam Epp Hamilton Adam Epp

Jennifer Reid

Health and Wellness Coach (Nurse)

My role includes helping the people we support achieve any health and wellness goals which includes ensuring they have the necessary medical interventions required to live a better life after a brain injury or stroke. I frequently engage in health promotion and education with the people we support so they can improve their health. One of my favourite parts about my role is promoting independence in the people we support, for example, working with them so they can take their medication on their own which contributes to better health outcomes.

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Hamilton Adam Epp Hamilton Adam Epp

Hannah Puckering

Independence Coach (Occupational Therapist)

I work with individuals and their families to progress towards any goals related to reestablishing independence and building a meaningful daily routine. Since this looks very different for every person, these goals range from increasing independence with self-care activities, safety in the kitchen, returning to work or volunteering, or increasing ease of community access. I also liaise with community partners and equipment vendors, alongside our Physical Coaches, when determining mobility aid and/or equipment needs for the individuals we support.

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Hamilton Adam Epp Hamilton Adam Epp

Sylvia Szara

Admin Coach

I work collaboratively with Sarah, Joanne and Matt and together we are your trusty Resource Team! I am able to help you with any financial needs, which can range from your day-to-day groceries, ordering supplies, helping with making fun activities our coaches and the people we support have planned happen, and helping the people we support with their finances (i.e. comfort funds). I started at CONNECT Hamilton as a Life Redesign Coach and am able to lend a helping hand whenever you need it. My favourite part o my job is getting to interact with wonderful humans on a daily basis.

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Hamilton Adam Epp Hamilton Adam Epp

Sarah Labrecque

People Resource Coach

My role includes scheduling our Life Redesign Coaches for the work they do supporting people at CONNECT. I also manage holiday time and sick calls . I am part of the resource team serving as a go-to person for the overall operations of the building at CONNECT Hamilton. My focus is to ensure we are fostering a positive, safe workplace culture and staying true to our values.

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Hamilton Adam Epp Hamilton Adam Epp

Matt Hudak

Home Resource Coach

My role involves maintaining CONNECT Hamilton – inside and out! Being the home resource coach also gives me the flexibility to collaborate with the people we support, participate in activities, and help the people we support reach their goals. This fun approach provides meaningful activities by utilizing our Life Redesign Model to help individuals acquire skills and help build confidence through active engagement. My role serves all the people at CONNECT to make their daily lives easier, safer and more enjoyable.

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Hamilton Adam Epp Hamilton Adam Epp

Joanne Trigiani

Service Resource Coach

My role is part of the resource team including Sylvia, Sarah and Matt. I provide all kinds of support to our Life Redesign Coaches, the people we support and the professional coaching team. My favourite part of my day is time spent getting to know the people we support.

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Hamilton Adam Epp Hamilton Adam Epp

Amber Span

Social Wellness Coach (Social Worker)

I work with the people we support and their families to navigate housing options, access financial support, and connect with vital resources in the community. I am also grateful to have the opportunity to encourage and support individuals in overcoming personal challenges and to be a part of the positive change in their lives.

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