
Victoria Conference Refreshes CONNECT Attendees

By June 12, 2017 No Comments

Two of Langley’s Life Redesign Coaches (Samantha and Britney), Physical Coach (Jessica) and myself (Site Leader Juliet) enjoyed some team bonding as we traveled to and from the conference together. We were joined by President Patti Flaherty at the workshop where we were introduced to friends and collaborators in hope for thriving after brain injury.

Our team was inspired by this year’s theme, “Thriving through Family.” We marveled as we witnessed the creative partnerships that have developed between injury survivors and their family members through music and creative writing (partners Simon Paradis & Kara Stanley), the capacity of extended family to empower a young mom’s trek towards recovering the “impossible” (daughter/father Sara Hansen & Robert Winkenhower), the story of a new vocational calling for a young man and his mother that arose from his life-changing bike injury; and a reflection on the long road to healing by a mother and her daughter (Barb Butler & Erin Sommerfeld).

Nestled between these incredible stories was an invigorating lecture by Dr. Brian Christie (UVIC neuroscientist) who sharpened our understanding of the relationship between exercise, in its many forms, and neurogenesis, while informing us of a current study he’s leading that investigates whether there is a relationship between a neuro-tracking video game and improved concussion recovery.

All agreed that the finale, singing of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah led by Simon Paradis and band members, was the perfect way to end such an affirming day. We look forward to more of Simon Paradis and Kara Stanley’s music and writing at a special presentation hosted by the BCBIA at their AGM on June 22. To register, click here: