
CONNECT’s Four Priorities for the Next Year

By November 25, 2015 No Comments

CONNECT Annual Employee Priority Survey;

Worklife Pulse Survey (Accreditation Canada);

Canadian Patient Safety Culture Survey (Accreditation Canada); and

Discussions from our first CONNECT-wide video conference held in August 2015.


1. Peer Review Process:

Make the process more objective and constructive by asking for feedback from only immediate colleagues and co-workers, as well as the residents you support.

ACTION STEPS:  Revise the process and documentation that supports it. We expect to have this completed and in place by December 31, 2015 so we are ready to go again in the New Year. We expect you to use it to support the learning and development of others by offering honest, constructive and respectful feedback.

2. Life Redesign Model:

Explain the Life Redesign Model and what it means to be a Life Redesign Coach so everyone has a better understanding of how our culture, people and services come together in partnership with our residents to achieve the unexpectedly great outcomes CONNECT has become known for.

ACTION STEPS: Work the Life Redesign Model into our relevant job profiles, organizational chart, in our package for new employees, orientation and policies and procedures. We will introduce peer mentors, who have been identified as exemplifying the role of Life Redesign Coach to champion and support this learning process. We expect you to embrace the Life Redesign Model as your way of being and doing, to stretch yourself when you need to and to bring forward your flexibility, respect, creativity, learning, joy and passion so that we can continue to grow.

3. Life Redesign Coach Wage Scale Renewal:

We regularly review and consider wages and salaries for all of our employees at CONNECT.  Over the past few years we have been able to consistently augment wages with the quarterly bonuses and this past year we averaged an additional $.50/hour to everyone’s wage.  While continuing to offer this quarterly occupancy bonus, over the next while we will also be reviewing and renewing the Life Redesign Coach wage scale.

ACTION STEPS:  An updated and revised wage scale will be completed and shared by January 31st 2016.

4. Education: 

Strengthen our culture as a respectful, safe workplace supported by safe work practices so you feel supported at work irrespective of the circumstances, but especially when you make a mistake or are the subject of a concern or complaint.

ACTION STEPS: We expect you, as employees of CONNECT, to share our values of flexibility, creativity, learning, passion and joy and behave in accordance with them. For CONNECT’s part we will communicate these aspects  of our culture by recreating our recruitment, hiring, orientation and people development  processes so you can be  clear about our expectations and what you can expect from us. We will make education on workplace safety and safe work practices a regular part of our continuous learning calendar in 2016 under the title of “Smart Risks – Safe Lives”. You will be expected to attend these sessions as part of your commitment to CONNECT and your own development.

And there you have it! We have an exciting and busy year ahead of us and no doubt with lots of challenges along the way.  The world of brain injury can be “complex, unpredictable, socially demanding and full of potential”.  It’s why we’re here and we hope you are too!