
Thank You Adele

By July 22, 2014 No Comments
After five years as Independence Coach at CONNECT Langley, Adele MacNeill is taking the advice she has always given to residents – find more balance in life.

“I live in Vancouver and have been commuting to Langley one or two days per week to work at CONNECT,” says Adele, who is stepping away from her work at CONNECT to focus on her work in Vancouver. She looks forward to spending more time with her family and begins work next month on a program at GF Strong helping people use technology to have more independent lives. “I am excited about continuing my work at GF Strong, but I am forever grateful for the amazing time I spent at CONNECT.”

She says the incredible staff and inspiring residents at CONNECT have taught her valuable lessons, which have impacted the way she practices occupational therapy.

“I think the way I approach my work has broadened. Residents are able to achieve far more than they would under a more traditional medical model. When you view all people as creative, resourceful and wise, suddenly everything becomes possible and you don’t put limits on them as readily.”

Adele says the new team of coaches working in Langley embodies the CONNECT spirit and gives her confidence that incredible things are on their way for CONNECT.

“I would like to think I was able to share knowledge and build confidence in resident and staff at CONNECT. I’ve certainly shared a lot of laughter and enjoyable time there. It was so nice to be able to be really creative in my practice and I’ve seen residents achieve things I wouldn’t have thought possible.”

Adele says her heart will always be at CONNECT and she definitely plans to visit when she can.

“I am dedicating myself to spend more time with my family, and CONNECT is my family too.”